Sheriff's Office Audits
The Sheriff’s Office is the lead law enforcement agency in Deschutes County, dedicated to providing a wide range of professional public safety services. The Sheriff’s Office is led by an elected sheriff who has statutory authority for organizing the work of the Sheriff’s Office. Services of the Sheriff’s Office include:
- ADMINISTRATION: Includes business management, human resources, information technology, legal and command staff. CORRECTIONS: Includes the adult jail, work center, court security transports and maintenance.
- COURT SECURITY: Provides a security checkpoint, which conducts a security screen for each visitor to the DA’s Office and Courthouse, including the grand jury, trial juries and the public. PATROL: Responsible for crime prevention, responding to 9-1-1 calls for service, enforcement of traffic laws, and investigation of traffic crashes and apprehension of suspects. Special functions include school resource, K-9 and reserve deputies.
- CIVIL: Responsible for receiving and serving all court documents presented to the Sheriff, processing paperwork on all towed or impounded vehicles and assisting with Sheriff’s auctions and other civil activities.
- AUTOMOTIVE/COMMUNICATIONS: Maintains the Sheriff’s Office vehicle fleet and communication network. RECORDS: Responsible for all storage, dissemination and transcription of deputy reports.
- TRAINING: Responsible for planning, scheduling, preparing, conducting, maintaining and coordinating initial and continual training for all sworn and non-sworn personnel.
- DETECTIVES: Investigates crimes that include homicide, domestic violence, narcotics, forgery, child pornography, child and elderly abuse and sexual assault.
- STREET CRIMES/CODE/DIGITAL FORENSICS: Consists of membership in the Central Oregon Drug Enforcement Team (CODE), street crimes, digital forensics, and concealed handgun licensing.
- SPECIAL SERVICES: Provides the coordination of search and rescue missions and marine patrol on county lakes and rivers. Other functions include off-road vehicle, marine and snowmobile patrol.
- EMERGENCY SERVICES: Responsible for all emergency disaster planning and preparedness.
Audit Reports
2025 Elected Sheriff Transition (Published 2-6-25)
Continuity of Operations Plans - Initial Assessment (Final 6-7-23)
Personal Information Data Privacy (Final 2-14-23)
Sheriff's Office Comprehensive Cash Handling (Final 11-18-22)
Sheriff's Office Jail Inmate Health Services (Final 7-19-18)
Sheriff's Office Jail Inmate Health Report (Final 6-4-18)
Sheriff's Office Transition Report (Final 7/1/15)
Additional Wage Payments (Final 5-2-13)
Sheriff's Office Evidence Room - Evidence Data Conversion (Final 10-8-12)
Gas Purchase Card Controls (Final 7-1-08)
Sheriff's Office Transition (Final 6-7-07)
Sheriff's Office Evidence Room - Physical Observation and New Software Controls (Final 3-31-03)