Deschutes County Tax Maps
The official tax maps for Deschutes County are maintained by the Deschutes County Assessor’s Office Cartography Division. Tax maps show lot lines, lot and block numbers, street names, lot dimensions, subdivision names, and other information. Through the Tax Maps Application you can access PDF copies of the most current tax maps. When used in conjunction with free readily available software, such as Adobe Reader, you can print the tax map as well as zoom into areas to view tax map details.
To find a specific tax map, simply enter into the search box the Tax Map Number you are interested in. For example, enter a Tax Map Number such as 171232AC. In this example, the Township=17, the Range=12, the Section=32, the Quarter=A, and the Sixteenth=C. The application also allows you to return a complete list of tax maps for an entire area such as those that are located within a Township and Range. In this example, type in 1712 and a list of tax map images for that area will be presented.
An additional option for viewing tax maps is to utilize the Deschutes County Property Information Application (Dial). The application allows you to search for a property through several search options including address, owner’s name, taxlot number, or tax account number. Once a property is found, a link to the tax map is provided.