Board Appointed Committees
Deschutes County relies on our volunteers to provide many important services that benefit Deschutes County residents. Below are the committees and their members appointed by the Deschutes County Commissioners.
Please visit our Human Resources Job and Volunteer Center page to apply for posted volunteer opportunities.
Member |
Appointment |
Term Expires |
Chief Mike Krantz |
00/00/00 |
Chief Anthony Prior |
00/00/00 |
Chief Erick Holsey |
00/00/00 |
Chief Ryan Herrera |
00/00/00 |
Nick Lelack |
00/00/00 |
Sheriff Shane Nelson |
00/00/00 |
^Back to Index^
Member |
Appointment |
Term Expires |
Judy Trego |
03/30/22 |
12/31/25 |
Jim Fister |
03/30/22 |
12/31/27 |
Krisanna Clark-Endicott |
01/01/24 |
12/31/26 |
^Back to Index^
Member |
Appointment |
Term Expires |
Nathan Garibay |
10/21/13 |
00/00/00 |
Travis Krieck |
01/01/24 |
06/30/26 |
Dustin Miller |
02/08/23 |
06/30/25 |
Jerry Thackery |
10/21/13 |
06/30/25 |
Alysha DeLorto (Gilpatrick) |
03/14/12 |
06/30/25 |
Jared Jeffcott |
03/14/12 |
06/30/25 |
Chris Perry |
04/12/17 |
06/30/25 |
Dan Daugherty |
03/14/12 |
06/30/25 |
Drew Norris |
06/06/18 |
06/30/25 |
David Rosenberg |
02/19/20 |
06/30/26 |
Cody Meredith |
04/06/22 |
06/30/26 |
Tom Kuhn |
00/00/00 |
00/00/00 |
^Back to Index^
Member |
Appointment |
Term Expires |
Phil Chang, Commissioner |
01/06/21 |
12/31/24 |
Chris Doty |
04/02/14 |
00/00/00 |
Peter Russell |
10/08/08 |
00/00/00 |
Tyler Deke |
00/00/00 |
00/00/00 |
^Back to Index^
Member |
Appointment |
Term Expires |
Wendy Holzman |
06/23/14 |
06/30/26 |
David Green |
08/12/20 |
06/30/26 |
Mason Lacy |
08/12/20 |
06/30/26 |
Rachel Zakem |
08/12/20 |
06/30/26 |
Anthony Accinelli |
08/28/24 |
06/30/27 |
Bob Nash |
10/16/24 |
06/30/27 |
David Roth |
09/26/18 |
06/30/26 |
Jennifer Letz |
09/06/23 |
06/30/26 |
Matt Muchna |
07/26/23 |
06/30/27 |
Mark Smith |
07/20/15 |
06/30/27 |
Sabrina Haggerty |
08/16/23 |
06/30/27 |
Neil Baunsgard |
10/13/21 |
06/30/27 |
Diane Flowers |
12/18/24 |
06/30/27 |
Tanya Saltzman |
00/00/00 |
00/00/00 |
^Back to Index^
Member |
Appointment |
Term Expires |
Caryl Gibson |
07/01/21 |
06/30/27 |
Jay Hamachek |
07/01/21 |
06/30/27 |
Rikki Goede |
07/03/19 |
06/30/25 |
Jeff Swan |
07/29/20 |
06/30/26 |
Lee Ferguson |
06/29/22 |
06/30/25 |
Susan Waddell |
06/29/22 |
06/30/25 |
Phillip Zerzan |
06/29/22 |
06/30/25 |
Jessica Rich |
00/00/00 |
00/00/00 |
Chief Van Meter |
06/21/21 |
00/00/00 |
^Back to Index^
Member |
Appointment |
Term Expires |
Rosemary Norton |
04/06/22 |
06/30/26 |
Lee Ferguson |
06/30/21 |
06/30/27 |
Rick Hartnack |
06/01/17 |
06/30/25 |
^Back to Index^
Member |
Appointment |
Term Expires |
Michael Walker |
10/07/20 |
06/30/25 |
Matthew Latimer |
10/15/23 |
06/30/25 |
Jo Ellen Zucker |
10/03/12 |
06/30/25 |
Michael Simpson |
11/20/17 |
06/30/25 |
Brian Ricker |
10/15/23 |
06/30/25 |
Frances Harder |
10/15/23 |
06/30/25 |
Peggy O'Donnell |
10/15/23 |
06/30/25 |
Robert James Horvat, Jr. |
10/15/23 |
06/30/25 |
Steve Dennison |
00/00/00 |
00/00/00 |
Amber Trindle |
00/00/00 |
00/00/00 |
^Back to Index^
Central Oregon Regional Housing Authority (dba Housing Works)
Member |
Appointment |
Term Expires |
Darci Palmer |
03/30/20 |
06/30/28 |
Matt Latimer |
01/05/25 |
12/31/28 |
Mandee Seeley |
11/7/22 |
11/01/26 |
Danielle Grimes |
12/21/22 |
06/30/26 |
David Brandt |
00/00/00 |
00/00/00 |
^Back to Index^
Member |
Appointment |
Term Expires |
Tim DeBoodt |
01/01/19 |
12/31/25 |
Tony DeBone, Commissioner |
01/06/21 |
12/31/25 |
Ariel Cowan |
11/9/21 |
12/31/25 |
Heather Miller |
01/01/22 |
12/31/25 |
Bobby Bruncoe |
01/01/22 |
12/31/25 |
Shane Jeffreries |
12/08/18 |
12/31/25 |
Holly Jewkes |
09/01/19 |
12/31/25 |
Rob Pentzer |
11/29/18 |
12/31/25 |
Mark Wunsch |
11/28/18 |
12/31/25 |
Ian Thigpen |
11/19/23 |
12/31/25 |
Michael Decker / Amanda Roberts |
12/8/18 |
12/31/25 |
Damon Brosnan |
11/29/18 |
12/31/25 |
^Back to Index^
Member |
Appointment |
Term Expires |
Anthony DeBone, Commissioner |
12/31/24 |
Jerry Brummer |
Wayne Fording |
Anthony Broadman |
Gretchen Schlie |
Gabriel Soliz |
Denise Keeten |
Gail Merritt |
Jay Patrick |
02/15/23 |
12/31/24 |
Jennifer Letz |
Cathi Van Damme |
Brigette McConville |
Tim Deboodt |
Phil Fine |
James Lewis |
03/03/21 |
12/31/24 |
Chris Piper |
01/01/23 |
12/31/24 |
Tammy Baney |
00/00/00 |
00/00/00 |
^Back to Index^
Member |
Appointment |
Term Expires |
Judy Trego |
03/30/22 |
12/31/25 |
Jim Fister |
03/30/22 |
12/31/27 |
Krisanna Clark-Endicott |
01/01/24 |
12/31/26 |
Dan Emerson |
00/00/00 |
00/00/00 |
^Back to Index^
Member |
Appointment |
Term Expires |
Cameron Fischer |
11/16/20 |
12/31/26 |
Lee Butler |
12/20/23 |
12/31/26 |
Linda Nolte |
03/5/25 |
12/31/27 |
Melinda Thomas |
12/20/23 |
12/31/26 |
Stephanie Utzman |
11/16/20 |
12/31/26 |
Dr. Peter Boehm |
03/04/13 |
12/31/27 |
Vacant |
00/00/00 |
00/00/00 |
Vacant |
00/00/00 |
12/31/26 |
Danielle MacBain |
08/25/21 |
12/31/26 |
Michael Shults |
08/25/21 |
12/31/26 |
Jill Adams |
01/05/22 |
12/31/27 |
Vacant |
00/00/00 |
00/00/00 |
Vacant |
00/00/00 |
00/00/00 |
Tony DeBone, Commissioner |
00/00/00 |
12/31/25 |
Hailey Barth |
00/00/00 |
00/00/00 |
^Back to Index^
Member |
Appointment |
Term Expires |
Ruth Vernotico |
04/05/23 |
08/31/26 |
Logan Clausen |
04/05/23 |
08/31/26 |
Erin Gage Fitzpatrick |
04/05/23 |
08/31/26 |
Vacant |
00/00/00 |
12/31/26 |
Tami Pike |
08/07/17 |
08/31/26 |
Sharity Ludwig |
04/12/17 |
08/31/25 |
Robert Ross |
12/19/16 |
08/31/25 |
Vacant |
00/00/00 |
00/00/00 |
Vacant |
00/00/00 |
00/00/00 |
Sarah Baron |
01/19/22 |
08/31/25 |
Lindsay Atagi |
04/05/23 |
08/31/25 |
Colleen Sinsky |
01/19/22 |
08/31/25 |
Phil Chang, Commissioner |
00/00/00 |
12/31/24 |
Tom Kuhn |
00/00/00 |
00/00/00 |
^Back to Index^
Member |
Appointment |
Term Expires |
Joe Healy |
09/07/22 |
06/30/26 |
Daryl Parrish |
09/07/16 |
06/30/26 |
Phil Anderson |
07/01/24 |
06/30/26 |
Kristin Toney |
12/01/23 |
06/30/25 |
Jodi Burch |
10/09/19 |
06/30/25 |
Summer Sears |
10/09/19 |
06/30/25 |
Charles Fadeley |
09/01/21 |
06/30/25 |
Lee Randall |
09/01/21 |
06/30/26 |
Robert Tintle |
00/00/00 |
00/00/00 |
Patti Adair, Commissioner |
00/00/00 |
12/31/24 |
Nick Lelack |
00/00/00 |
00/00/00 |
Elizabeth Pape |
00/00/00 |
00/00/00 |
^Back to Index^
Member |
Appointment |
Term Expires |
Judy Trego |
03/30/22 |
12/31/25 |
Jim Fister |
03/30/22 |
12/31/27 |
Krisanna Clark-Endicott |
01/01/24 |
12/31/26 |
Dan Emerson |
00/00/00 |
00/00/00 |
^Back to Index^
Member |
Appointment |
Term Expires |
Brian Durbin |
02/15/23 |
02/01/25 |
Richard Ambrose |
05/13/15 |
06/30/26 |
James Wood |
02/15/23 |
02/01/25 |
Craig Renkert |
04/17/19 |
06/30/27 |
Patti Adair, Commissioner |
05/20/24 |
12/31/24 |
Nick Lelack |
00/00/00 |
00/00/00 |
Robert Tintle |
00/00/00 |
00/00/00 |
Bill Kuhn |
00/00/00 |
00/00/00 |
^Back to Index^
Member |
Appointment |
Term Expires |
Kate Fitzpatrick |
09/04/13 |
02/28/26 |
Doug Watson |
02/15/23 |
02/28/26 |
Jason Wilcox |
02/15/23 |
02/28/26 |
Lori Faha |
12/20/23 |
02/28/28 |
Shaun Pigott |
07/15/20 |
02/28/28 |
Ted Wise |
02/28/22 |
02/28/28 |
Kris Knight |
08/21/19 |
02/28/28 |
Sam Vanlaningham |
00/00/00 |
00/00/00 |
Jackson Morgan |
00/00/00 |
00/00/00 |
Jerry George |
00/00/00 |
00/00/00 |
Jason Gritzner |
00/00/00 |
00/00/00 |
Tarik Rawlings |
00/00/00 |
00/00/00 |
^Back to Index^
Member |
Appointment |
Term Expires |
Cathleen Hernandez |
03/19/25 |
06/30/27 |
Sandy Storrie |
08/25/21 |
06/30/26 |
Elizabeth Allen |
03/19/25 |
06/30/27 |
Robert Maimone |
03/19/25 |
06/30/26 |
Frances Sittel |
03/19/25 |
06/30/26 |
Michael Pennavaria |
08/25/21 |
06/30/26 |
Daniel Holland |
08/17/22 |
06/30/25 |
Greg Brady |
10/11/23 |
06/30/27 |
Tamara Kuntz |
10/11/23 |
06/30/26 |
Dave Doyle |
00/00/00 |
00/00/00 |
^Back to Index^
Member |
Appointment |
Term Expires |
Patti Adair, Commissioner |
00/00/00 |
12/31/25 |
Nick Lelack |
00/00/00 |
00/00/00 |
Erin Chaiet |
00/00/00 |
00/00/00 |
^Back to Index^
Member |
Appointment |
Term Expires |
Diane Tolzman |
01/01/24 |
12/31/26 |
Peggy Kellogg |
11/28/18 |
12/31/27 |
Loren Kellogg |
11/28/18 |
12/31/27 |
Vacant |
00/00/00 |
00/00/00 |
Mary Meier |
01/01/20 |
12/31/25 |
Nancy Glick |
01/17/24 |
12/31/26 |
Dan Denning |
01/17/24 |
12/31/26 |
Candi Bothum |
00/00/00 |
00/00/00 |
^Back to Index^
Member |
Appointment |
Term Expires |
Vacant |
00/00/00 |
00/00/00 |
Mary Meier |
02/22/23 |
12/31/25 |
Loren Kellogg (Mr.) |
03/01/23 |
12/31/27 |
Peggy Kellogg |
11/28/18 |
12/31/27 |
Candi Bothum |
00/00/00 |
00/00/00 |
^Back to Index^
Member |
Appointment |
Term Expires |
Vacant |
00/00/00 |
10/14/25 |
Renee Alexander |
10/14/20 |
10/14/25 |
Dan Close |
04/17/24 |
04/17/26 |
Dan Ladesma |
03/05/25 |
10/31/25 |
Bruce Barton |
03/05/25 |
10/31/25 |
Phil Henderson |
03/05/25 |
10/31/25 |
Mark Kneeshaw |
10/14/20 |
10/31/26 |
John Pfeiffer |
04/17/24 |
04/17/26 |
Will Turner |
04/17/24 |
04/17/26 |
Tony DeBone, Commissioner |
00/00/00 |
12/31/24 |
Erik Kropp |
00/00/00 |
00/00/00 |
^Back to Index^
^Back to Index^
Member |
Appointment |
Term Expires |
Aaron Curtis |
01/30/19 |
12/31/27 |
Steven Curley |
03/30/16 |
12/31/27 |
Bill Kuhn |
03/30/16 |
12/31/27 |
Wendie Every |
01/01/2023 |
12/31/25 |
David Bishop |
06/30/99 |
12/31/26 |
Elizabeth Richie |
02/03/21 |
12/31/26 |
Carrie Novick |
05/07/14 |
12/31/25 |
Geoff Hinds |
00/00/00 |
00/00/00 |
^Back to Index^
Member |
Appointment |
Term Expires |
Matt Cyrus |
03/24/14 |
Kevin Moriarty |
00/00/00 |
00/00/00 |
Bill Swarts |
03/24/14 |
^Back to Index^
Member |
Appointment |
Term Expires |
Rodney Dieckhoff |
06/29/16 |
06/30/28 |
Duncan Atwood |
07/26/23 |
06/30/28 |
Laurie Dieckhoff |
11/07/18 |
06/30/26 |
Amy Varner |
09/06/23 |
06/30/26 |
Eva Wild |
09/06/23 |
06/30/25 |
Chad Stubblefield |
00/00/00 |
00/00/00 |
^Back to Index^
Member |
Appointment |
Term Expires |
Sharon Leighty |
08/05/19 |
03/31/26 |
Lore Christopher |
01/17/24 |
03/31/26 |
Christine Horting-Jones |
04/01/12 |
03/31/28 |
Eli Ashley |
01/17/24 |
03/31/26 |
Dennis Schmidling |
03/23/16 |
03/31/28 |
Rachel Stemach |
04/01/12 |
03/31/28 |
Marc Hudson |
01/17/24 |
03/31/28 |
Lilian Syphers |
01/17/24 |
03/31/28 |
Tanya Saltzman |
00/00/00 |
00/00/00 |
^Back to Index^
Member |
Appointment |
Term Expires |
Craig Apregan |
11/30/11 |
08/31/29 |
Steve Strang |
01/29/18 |
08/31/29 |
Summer Sears |
11/30/11 |
08/31/29 |
Tom Schnell |
09/05/03 |
08/31/29 |
Patti Adair, Commissioner |
00/00/00 |
12/31/24 |
Robert Tintle |
00/00/00 |
00/00/00 |
Jaycee Bridges |
00/00/00 |
00/00/00 |
^Back to Index^
^Back to Index^
Member |
Appointment |
Term Expires |
Susan Altman |
06/03/20 |
06/30/28 |
Jessica Kieras |
07/11/18 |
06/30/26 |
Toni Williams |
08/02/21 |
06/30/29 |
Nathan Hovekamp |
03/07/22 |
06/30/27 |
Kelsey Kelley |
07/01/23 |
06/30/27 |
Mark Stockamp |
03/27/24 |
06/30/27 |
Matt Cyrus |
07/01/22 |
06/30/26 |
Peter Gutowsky |
00/00/00 |
00/00/00 |
^Back to Index^
Member |
Appointment |
Term Expires |
Paula Simone |
02/05/18 |
12/31/27 |
Dan Daugherty |
02/05/18 |
12/31/24 |
Gary Marshall |
03/08/04 |
12/31/24 |
Elizabeth Weide |
02/07/24 |
12/31/27 |
David Morman |
01/01/16 |
12/31/27 |
Dean Richardson |
01/01/16 |
12/31/24 |
Patty Gentiluomo |
11/05/08 |
12/31/25 |
Melissa Steele |
02/07/24 |
12/31/27 |
Horace Ward |
02/07/24 |
12/31/27 |
Gordon Foster |
02/21/18 |
12/31/26 |
Heather Miller |
02/07/24 |
12/31/27 |
Oliver Tatom |
03/11/20 |
12/31/26 |
Nick Ahnen |
03/11/20 |
12/31/26 |
Sheldon Rhoden |
02/14/24 |
12/31/27 |
Aaron Everett |
11/18/24 |
12/31/28 |
Vacant |
00/00/00 |
00/00/00 |
Vacant |
00/00/00 |
00/00/00 |
Tom Mooney |
11/10/21 |
12/31/27 |
Ariel Cowan |
06/09/21 |
12/31/25 |
Kevin Stock |
06/09/21 |
12/31/24 |
Andy Meeuwsen |
04/20/22 |
12/31/24 |
Chris Perry |
00/00/00 |
00/00/00 |
Nathan Garibay |
00/00/00 |
00/00/00 |
Patti Adair, Commissioner |
00/00/00 |
12/31/24 |
Kevin Moriarty, County Forester |
00/00/00 |
00/00/00 |
Corinne Heiner, Fire-Adapted Communities Coordinator |
00/00/00 |
00/00/00 |
^Back to Index^
Member |
Appointment |
Term Expires |
Phil Chang, Commissioner |
01/18/23 |
12/31/25 |
Anthony Broadman |
01/24/23 |
Devin Lewis |
Jason Van Meter |
Mike Womer |
Brandon Smithers |
Joseph Mabonga |
Erik Kropp |
Angie Curtis |
06/21/21 |
Mike Krantz |
Stephen Gunnels |
Keith Witcosky |
7/1/15 |
Donna Mills |
04/07/21 |
10/18/27 |
Roger Olsen |
Sara Crosswhite |
Shane Nelson |
Gil Levy |
02/05/20 |
12/07/26 |
Vacant (Citizen Member) |
Thomas Spear |
Judge Wells Ashby |
Nick Lelack |
Deevy Holcomb |
^Back to Index^
Member |
Appointment |
Term Expires |
Phil Chang, Commissioner |
12/31/25 |
Cyrus Mooney |
12/31/28 |
Kelly Coffelt |
12/31/28 |
Vacant (Youth Ex-Officio) |
12/31/23 |
Vacant (Jefferson County) |
12/31/24 |
William Huff |
12/31/26 |
Eric Sande |
12/31/26 |
Sean Neary, Chair |
12/31/26 |
Emma Bryson |
12/31/26 |
Penni Hunter |
01/02/224 |
12/31/27 |
John Nielsen |
00/00/00 |
00/00/00 |
Zachary Bass |
00/00/00 |
00/00/00 |
Kelly Morse |
00/00/00 |
00/00/00 |
^Back to Index^
Member |
Appointment |
Term Expires |
Judy Trego |
03/30/22 |
12/31/25 |
Jim Fister |
03/30/22 |
12/31/27 |
Krisanna Clark-Endicott |
01/01/24 |
12/31/26 |
Dan Emerson |
00/00/00 |
00/00/00 |
^Back to Index^
Member |
Appointment |
Term Expires |
Jake Obrist |
12/06/17 |
12/31/25 |
Ed Fitch |
12/06/17 |
12/31/25 |
Erica Lindberg |
07/05/22 |
12/31/25 |
Bill Duerden |
12/06/17 |
12/31/25 |
Jared Black |
12/06/17 |
12/31/25 |
Erwin Swetnam |
12/06/17 |
12/31/25 |
Mike Riley |
12/06/17 |
12/31/25 |
Ron Shearer (Alternate) |
02/08/22 |
12/31/25 |
Paul Bertagna |
12/6/17 |
12/31/25 |
Cassie Lacey |
12/6/17 |
12/31/25 |
Luke Dynes |
04/20/22 |
12/31/25 |
Keith Kessariss |
04/20/22 |
12/31/25 |
Robin Vora (Mr.) |
04/20/22 |
12/31/25 |
Christopher Ogren |
04/20/22 |
12/31/25 |
Patrick Neely (Alternate) |
04/24/24 |
12/31/25 |
John Roberts (Alternate) |
02/08/23 |
12/31/25 |
Jackson Dumach (Alternate) |
02/08/23 |
12/31/25 |
Tim Brownell |
00/00/00 |
00/00/00 |
^Back to Index^
^Back to Index^
Member |
Appointment |
Term Expires |
Iman Simmons |
03/20/19 |
12/31/25 |
Andrew Davis |
03/20/19 |
12/31/25 |
Matthew Schmitz |
03/20/19 |
12/31/26 |
Kristin Thomas |
09/16/24 |
12/31/25 |
Robert Townsend |
09/16/24 |
12/31/25 |
00/00/00 |
12/31/24 |
Jon Bullock |
3/20/19 |
12/31/25 |
Zachary Bass |
3/20/19 |
12/31/26 |
Casey Bergh (Alt.) |
3/22/21 |
12/31/25 |
Jennifer Glover (Alt.) |
3/22/21 |
12/31/25 |
Jackson Dumanch |
09/16/24 |
12/31/25 |
Bill Gregoricus |
8/12/20 |
12/31/26 |
Jamie Donahue |
02/27/19 |
12/31/26 |
Chris Doty |
00/00/00 |
00/00/00 |
^Back to Index^
Member |
Appointment |
Term Expires |
Dennis Dishaw |
06/30/28 |
03/19/25 |
Mitch Cooney |
06/30/28 |
03/19/25 |
Kent Zook |
10/02/24 |
08/31/27 |
^Back to Index^
Member |
Appointment |
Term Expires |
Gerhard Beenen |
01/13/21 |
08/31/24 |
Bill Hepburn |
08/29/18 |
08/31/25 |
Denney Kelley |
08/16/23 |
08/31/26 |
John Ralston |
11/25/19 |
08/31/25 |
Jim Fister |
08/10/22 |
08/31/25 |
Tony De Alicante |
09/29/21 |
08/31/26 |
John Shoemaker |
08/10/22 |
08/31/25 |
^Back to Index^
Member |
Appointment |
Term Expires |
Joanne Richter |
01/31/01 |
01/31/25 |
Sunny Simpkins |
05/11/22 |
01/31/25 |
Michael Fisher |
04/23/03 |
01/31/27 |
Bill Anthony |
07/21/14 |
01/31/26 |
Cris Converse |
12/30/15 |
01/31/27 |
David Pilz |
07/17/17 |
01/31/26 |
Jason Gritzner |
07/08/05 |
01/31/27 |
Will Groves |
07/03/19 |
01/31/25 |
Gena Goodman-Campbell |
08/28/19 |
01/31/25 |
Mike Taylor |
2/24/21 |
01/31/24 |
Smita Mehta |
2/28/24 |
1/31/27 |
Lisa Keown |
2/28/24 |
1/31/27 |
Beth Bailey |
7/24/24 |
1/31/27 |
Kris Knight |
00/00/00 |
00/00/00 |
^Back to Index^
Member |
Appointment |
Term Expires |
Vacant |
00/00/00 |
00/00/00 |
Nicole Swarts |
03/19/25 |
02/28/27 |
Teresa Stovall |
02/19/25 |
02/28/27 |
Daniel Son |
02/19/25 |
02/28/27 |
Elizabeth Johnson |
03/14/18 |
12/31/25 |
Joseph Mauti |
02/08/23 |
12/31/25 |
Jake Derksen |
02/08/23 |
12/31/25 |
Erin Kilcullen |
02/08/23 |
12/31/25 |
Lorena Brown |
02/19/25 |
02/28/28 |
Sarah Canham |
02/08/17 |
12/31/25 |
Kevin Moriarty |
00/00/00 |
00/00/00 |
^Back to Index^
Member |
Appointment |
Term Expires |
Ethan O’Brien |
05/03/23 |
05/31/26 |
Johnny Leason |
05/03/23 |
05/31/25 |
Sarahlee Lawrence |
05/03/23 |
05/31/26 |
Donna Harris |
05/03/23 |
05/31/25 |
Dr. Stephen Pappa |
01/17/24 |
12/31/25 |
Gordon Jones |
01/17/24 |
12/31/25 |
Phil Chang, Commissioner |
00/00/00 |
12/31/25 |