Live Tobacco Free

DOC services are not available to the public.

Please visit the Deschutes County Health Services department for services offered to the public.


Quitting tobacco is difficult but achievable!  According to the American Cancer Society, success comes from utilizing two or more of the following:  encouragement and support from friends and family members, telephone smoking-cessation hotlines, stop-smoking groups, online quit groups, counseling, nicotine replacement products, prescription medicine to lessen cravings, and guidebooks.


Resources to assist you in quitting:


Live Tobacco Free Sessions

Deschutes County offers participants in the Deschutes County Health Plan a free counseling series in tobacco cessation titled Live Tobacco Free. This series provides you with the tools necessary to quit smoking and successfully stay smoke free. Personalized one-on-one sessions are offered with topics such as: Preparing to quit, triggers and willpower, the role of your mind, the mini quit, your post quit lifestyle/adjusting to life without nicotine, grieving tobacco and staying tobacco free.

Call 541-330-4613 for more information


The Oregon Tobacco Quit Line:

(800) 784-8669 English,  (877) 266-3683 Spanish


Online cessation resources:

American Lung Association’s Freedom From Smoking,

Become an EX,

Smoke Free,


Anyone enrolled in the County Employee Benefits Plan, including employees (and their dependents) of Deschutes county or COIC, retirees, and people enrolled in COBRA coverage may use the Deschutes Onsite Clinic (DOC)DOC Pharmacy, and Well Connect. The clinic practitioners will see adults and children ages two years and older.

DOC services are not available to the general public. Please visit the Deschutes County Health Services department for services offered to the public.