Hazardous Waste Management

Check the Solid Waste Calendar for upcoming hazardous waste drop off dates at Knott Landfill in Bend.  Rural Transfer Stations do not accept hazardous waste.

The Hazardous Waste Facility at Knott Landfill accepts a wide variety of hazardous waste, including paints & stains, solvents, fuels, antifreeze, aerosols, cleaners, poisons, pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers, oil filters, rechargeable batteries, fluorescent tubes and bulbs, propane tanks, pool & spa chemicals, thermometers, mercury thermostats & switches, etc.

Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) is accepted free of charge from residential users at the Knott Landfill Hazardous Waste Facility. The HHW Facility is open from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.  View the Upcoming Events page for the next collection event date.

Business Hazardous Waste is also accepted at the Hazardous Waste Facility.  Businesses must pre-register with the hazardous waste contractor by completing the Waste Collection Event Application (see bottom of page to download) to participate.  Fees are charged based on the type and amount of waste accepted.

Common Hazardous Waste Material

For more information on household pharmaceutical disposal, including a directory of collection sites and recommended disposal practices, visit the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality Website or contact the Department of Solid Waste.

  • Antifreeze:  Antifreeze from residential sources is accepted free of charge through the Hazardous Waste Program.  Antifreeze is also accepted for a fee at the Knott Landfill Recycling Center.  Call Deschutes Recycling at (541) 388-1910 for pricing.
  • Asbestos:  Asbestos containing material (ACM) is accepted at Knott Landfill and Solid Waste Department approval is required at least 24 hours prior to delivery. There are special documentation, handling and packaging requirements for ACM, and requirements vary, depending on the form and condition of the ACM.  Advisories and fact sheets on asbestos regulations, safety, handling and other related topics can be found at the DEQ website.
    • A DEQ ASN-4 form and a Special Waste Application must be submitted and approved prior to scheduling ACM delivery to Knott Landfill.  There is a $50.00 per application fee. The disposal rate for ACM is $0.06/pound, with a minimum charge of $125.00. 
  • Led Acid Auto Batteries:  Lead Acid Auto batteries are accepted free of charge at the Knott Landfill Recycling Center, the Hazardous Waste Facility and at all Deschutes County Transfer Stations.
  • Batteries:  Single-use alkaline dry cell batteries (flashlight batteries, etc) can be disposed of in the regular garbage.  Modern single-use dry cell batteries are mercury free and do not contain regulated hazardous constituents.
    • Portable rechargeable batteries (NiCad, Lithium ion from tools, cell phones, cameras, etc) can be recycled at all Dechutes County Transfer Stations and many major tool retailers and rechargeable device retailer.  They are also accepted at the Hazardous Waste Facility.
  • Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs/Fluorescent Tubes
    • Fluorescent light bulbs and tubes cannot be disposed of as regular garbage.  They are accepted at the Knott Landfill Hazardous Waste Facility.
    • Fluorescent light bulbs and tubes contain a small amount of mercury sealed within the glass tubing. When a fluorescent bulb breaks in your home, some of this mercury is released as mercury vapor and may pose potential health risks. The broken bulb can continue to release mercury vapor until it is cleaned up and removed from the residence. To minimize exposure to mercury vapor, EPA recommends that residents follow their cleanup and disposal steps. More information on CFLs at: www.epa.gov/cfl
  • Electronic Waste Disposal:  Visit the Electronic Waste Recycling page for household and business electronic waste recycling and disposal.
  • Gasoline:  Accepted at the Hazardous Waste Facility only. 
  • Motor Oil:  Up to 5 gallons of used motor oil from residential sources is accepted free of charge at the Knott Landfill Recycling Center and all County Transfer Stations. Oil must be placed in a non-breakable container with a tight fitting lid and no more than 5 gallons is accepted per visit.
  • Paint:  Up to 10 containers of latex and oil-based paints and stains from residential users are accepted free of charge at the Knott Landfill Recycling Center.  If the paint is dried, remove the container lid and dispose of the dried paint and container as regular garbage. You can also visit the Oregon PaintCare website for other recycling drop off locations.
    • The Hazardous Waste Facility will accept quantities over 10 containers from households and businesses. A Special Waste Application is not needed for recycling business paints and stains (most latex and oil based paints and stains are accepted free of charge from businesses). 
    • Industrial paints, aerosol paints, automotive paints, marine paints, epoxy paints and other special application paints are accepted only at the Knott Landfill Hazardous Waste Facility.  Businesses must pre-register (see bottom of page to download application).  See Upcoming Events for next drop off date.
  • Petroleum Contaminated Soil:  For petroleum contaminated soil, a Special Waste Disposal Application (see bottom of page to download) is required to be submitted with the appropriate laboratory analytical reports and approved prior to scheduling delivery to Knott Landfill. There is a $50.00 per application fee. The disposal rate for contaminated soil is $0.02 per pound.
  • Pharmaceuticals & Medicines from Households:  The Deschutes County Sheriff’s Office (541-388-6655) and the Bend Police Department (541-322-2960) accept non-liquid pharmaceuticals at their main offices. Additionally, liquid and non-liquid household pharmaceuticals can be disposed of in the regular garbage. Follow these steps:
    • Take waste pharmaceuticals out of their original containers. Tape the lid on the container if it is not child-proof and there are children in the home;
    • Mix the waste pharmaceuticals with an undesirable substance such as cat litter or used coffee grounds;
    • Place this mixture in a plastic sealable bag or a sealable container, such as an empty margarine container especially if liquid;
    • Remove labels from empty containers or conceal with marker, any patient information and; 
    • Place the sealed container with the mixture and the empty pharmaceutical containers in the trash as close to garbage pickup time as possible.

For more information on household pharmaceutical disposal, including a directory of collection sites and recommended disposal practices, visit the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality Website or contact the Department of Solid Waste.

  • Sharps from Households:  Medical sharps such as lancets and hypodermic needles from home self-medicating healthcare are accepted free of charge at the Knott Landfill scale house or the transfer stations in Sisters, Redmond and La Pine. The sharps must be in a sealed leak-proof, puncture-proof metal or plastic container (no glass), and must be labeled, "Sharps." These are available for purchase at most pharmacies and medical supply retailers. Please contact the site attendant for disposal directions.