Clerk's Office


Recording Fees

Method of Payment

Checks or money orders are payable to: Deschutes County Clerk. Checks or money orders will be returned unprocessed (along with requests and documents)  if an account name (payor) or address is missing.

Credit/Debit cards are accepted with an additional $1 processing fee. 

General Recording Information

Recording Hours

Weekdays 8am to 4 pm

Mailing Addresses

  • Delivery Address:  Deschutes County Clerk, 1300 NW Wall Street, Suite 202, Bend, Oregon 97703
  • Mailing Address: Deschutes County Clerk, P.O. Box 6005, Bend, Oregon 97708

Legal Forms

First Page Requirements

The first page shall contain the following information (ORS 205.234).  If not on the first page, an additional fee of $20 will be charged (ORS 205.327).  A cover page when properly prepared that reflects your transaction may be used to when presenting the document for recording (ORS 205.234(2)) in order to avoid the non-conforming fee.

How Do I Know if I Am Properly Registered?

You may check your registration status on the Secretary of State's website in the links section toward the bottom of this page.

Do I Have to Register by Party?

No. If you do not want to be affiliated with a political party, you may check the box that states "Not a member of a party." You may not designate or change a party affiliation after the 21st day before the primary election.

Do I Have to Re-Register for Each Election?

No. You need to update your registration only when:

  • Your residence or mailing address changes;
  • Your name or signature changes; or
  • You wish to change your party affiliation.

What Information is Required to Register?

You are required to furnish your full name, date of birth, signature, and residence address (and mailing address, if different than your residence address). Your residence address must be the address where you reside - not a post office box.  You will also be asked to provide your political party preference.

When May I Register?

You may register at any time. However, your voter registration card must be postmarked by the 21st day before the election at which you intend to vote.

Who May Register to Vote?

ALL of the following criteria must be met:

  • Residents of the State of Oregon.
  • Citizens of the United States of America.
  • Persons at least 16 years of age.
  • Note: If you are 16 years of age, you will not receive a ballot until an election occurs on or after your 18th birthday.
