RFP/RQP - Request for Qualified Pool for Mediation Services

Bid/RFP Due Date: 
Friday, October 6, 2017 - 4:00pm

Bid/RFP Status: 
Closed - no longer accepting bids and proposals

SEPTEMBER 15, 2017 

Deschutes County, a political subdivision of the State of Oregon, acting by and through the Deschutes County Health Services Department, Behavioral Health Divisions (DCHS), is releasing this competitive solicitation to secure one or more contractors to provide Mediation Services to Deschutes County residents mandated to mediate in contested divorce and custody cases. Candidates shall meet the minimum standards and qualify as Court Connected Domestic Relations Mediator per Oregon Chief Justice Rule 05-028 (http://www.courts.oregon.gov/rules/Other%20Rules/05cER001sh.pdf).

NOTE:    All proposals submitted in response to this Request for Qualified Pool (RQP) shall become the property of Deschutes County and may be utilized in any manner and for any purpose by Deschutes County. Be advised that proposals and all documents submitted in response to this RQP are subject to public disclosure as required by applicable state and/or federal laws.  If you intend to submit any information with your proposal which you believe is confidential, proprietary or otherwise protected from public disclosure (trade secret, etc.), you must separately bind and clearly identify all such material.  The cover page of the separate binding must be red, and the header or footer for each page must provide as follows: “Not Subject to Public Disclosure.”    Where authorized by law, and at its sole discretion, Deschutes County will endeavor to resist disclosure of properly identified portions of the proposals. 

Candidate shall submit one original and five (5) copies of the proposal in a sealed envelope that is clearly marked with the name and address of the proposing candidate or agency, titled “Mediation Services”, and addressed to: 

Janice Garceau 
Deschutes County Health Services 
2577 NE Courtney Drive 
Bend, OR   97701 

Proposals must be received no later than 4:00 p.m., on Friday, October 6, 2017 to be eligible for consideration.  Submission and receipt of proposals by electronic means is not permitted. All costs associated with preparing and submitting a proposal is solely the responsibility of the proposer.  This solicitation does not obligate Deschutes County to select any single proposer and Deschutes County reserves the right to cancel the procurement, reject any and all proposals, to retain all proposal materials in accordance with ORS 279B.100, and to use any material included in the proposal regardless of whether it is selected. 

Questions concerning the proposal and/or the proposal process may be directed to Janice Garceau via email to 

See Full RFP/RQP Document under the Supporting Files Section Below

News Release Issued: September 15, 2017