General Case Management for Adults and Children
The Intellectual/Developmental Disability Program provides information about resources, connects clients and families with existing programs and facilitates the development of needed services. Service Coordinators advocate for clients and provide assistance as they and their families transition through the stages of development.
Case Management Services
For both children and adults the Intellectual/Developmental Disability Program connects clients with appropriate services for which they are eligible.
Examples are:
- PC-20 (assist access to the personal care program through the State)
- Family Support
- Annual face-to-face contact to develop annual plan and update information
- Participate as an advocate in meetings when asked
- Assist with connecting clients with available transportation in community
- Assist with accessing mental health services if eligible per guidelines
For younger children, Service Coordinators work with families to assure that they have access to all available community and state resources. They assist the family to advocate for the child’s needs in school and other areas.
For older children, the Service Coordinator will work with the individual, family and school to begin planning the individual’s future and ensuring a school situation that will support those plans. The Service Coordinator will assist the individual with the transition from school services into adult services.
For adults, the Service Coordinator will assist the individual with connecting to housing services, In-Home services, vocational services, and community resources.

Employment First
Deschutes County practices the Employment First policy and philosophy that was adopted by the State of Oregon. As a philosophy, Employment First is based on the presumption that working age adults and youth with I/DD can work in jobs fully integrated in the community. Integrated employment includes typical workplace settings where there are regular opportunities for meaningful interaction with co-workers without disabilities and/or customers or the general public. This can also include self-employment. The employment of individuals with I/DD adds to the diversity of the workforce and general enrichment of communities. For more information about this, click here: