247-24-000417-TA - 2024 Housekeeping Text Amendments

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Proposal Summary

The Planning Division periodically determines minor changes are necessary to clarify existing standards and procedural requirements, include less substantive code alterations, incorporate changes to state and federal law, and correct errors found in various sections of the Deschutes County Code (DCC). These minor changes are otherwise known as Housekeeping Amendments. Staff initiated the currently proposed changes and notified the Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development on July 2, 2024. As noted in the associated application materials, the amendments remain consistent with Deschutes County Code, the Deschutes County Comprehensive Plan, and the Statewide Planning Goals.

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Proposal Status

A public hearing was scheduled before the Planning Commission on Thursday, August 22, 2024. Following the hearing, the Planning Commission closed both the oral record and written record, and voted 5-0 to approve the proposed amendments.

A second hearing process before the Board of County Commissioners will take place on September 25, 2024

Remote attendance information can also be found at www.deschutes.org/meetings approximately one week prior to each meeting. Videos of past meetings are available at the same link.

Staff Contact

Kyle Collins, Associate Planner - Long Range
(541) 383-4427