LM, WA, SMIA, AS, GSGA, SBMH (Combining Zones)

Combining Zones
(LM) The Landscape Management Zone places additional aesthetic and setback requirements on building projects to maintain and enhance scenic vistas and natural landscapes as seen from designated roads, rivers or streams. Additional design restrictions apply if a building will be visible from the designated Landscape Management road or river.
(WA) The Wildlife Areas zone protects important wildlife areas from the impacts of development. The zone restricts certain non-residential uses and places additional requirements on land divisions, residential uses, and fences in these areas. One key requirement is that new dwellings must be sited within a road that existed as of 1992
(SMIA) The Surface Mining Impact Area protects the County's surface mining resources from noise and dust sensitive uses. This zone requires additional setbacks on development to limit interference with mining operations.
(AS) The Airport Safety Combining Zone protects the County's airports from incompatible land uses and airspace obstructions.
(GSGA) The Greater Sage-Grouse Area Combining Zone implements state requirements for protection of sage-grouse. Primarily in eastern Deschutes County, this combining zone places extensive limitations on all uses except for farming activities.
(SBMH) The Sensitive Bird and Mammal Habitat protects nesting, hibernating and nursery sites for sensitive bird and mammals including bald eagle, golden eagles, and Townsend's big-eared bats. This combining zone requires additional coordination with Oregon Fish and Wildlife Department and requirements based on the specific location of the protected site.
How does this affect my property/project?
Combining Zone | Does this impact allowed uses? | Does this impact land divisions? | Does this impact setbacks? | Additional requirements? | Requires land use application? |
LM | No | No | Yes | Yes | Yes - for new buildings or substantial exterior alterations of existing buildings |
WA | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Generally no. |
SMIA | No | No | Yes | Yes | Yes - for new dwellings or dwelling additions. |
AS | No | No | No | Yes | No - unless the construction is close enough to a runway to be within the airport noise contour. |
GSGA | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Will depend on nature and location of project. |
SBMH | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes - for any land divisions, or any construction requiring a building permit, Conditional Use Permit, or Site Plan Review |