Work Plan & Annual Report


Mission Statement


The Community Development Department (CDD) facilitates orderly growth and development in the Deschutes County community through coordinated programs of Environmental Soils, Building Safety, Code Compliance, Coordinated Services, Planning and education and service to the public.




The 2024-2025 Work Plan and 2023 Annual Report highlight the department’s accomplishments, goals and objectives and are developed to:

  • Report on achievements and performance.
  • Implement the Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) goals and objectives.
  • Implement the Deschutes County Customer Service “Every Time” Standards.
  • Effectively and efficiently manage organizational assets, capabilities and finances.
  • Fulfill the department’s regulatory compliance requirements.
  • Enhance the County as a safe, sustainable and highly desirable place to live, work, learn, recreate, visit and more; and
  • Address changes in state law. 

To view a history of Work Plans & Annual Reports :

Community Development Public Records Center - History of Work Plans & Annual Reports