EFU, F1, MUA10, RC, RI, RR10 & UAR10 (Base Zones)

Road Near Smith Rock

Understanding Your Base Zone

  1. Locate and verify your zone and read the summary below. The page below includes examples of permitted uses within each zone but is not a complete list, please refer to Deschutes County Code or contact staff for additional details. 
  2. See the full table below for information on setbacks and minimum lot sizes.
  3. Reach out to staff to verify if you need permits, as staff will assist you. 


Residential Zones

Multiple Use Agricultural (MUA-10)
  1. Summary/Purpose: This zone allows for rural residential development, agricultural use, and limited commercial uses included those associated with agriculture.
  2. Allowed Uses: Single-family dwellings, ADU, agriculture, small-scale horse stables and limited home businesses.
  3. Conditional Uses: Guest houses, semi-public and public uses, additional types of home businesses, commercial activity in conjunction with farm use, wireless telecommunications facilities, bed and breakfast, and guest lodges.
Rural Residential (RR-10)
  1. Summary/Purpose: This is one of the most common residential zones in Deschutes County and allows for residential development that maintains a rural character. 
  2. Allowed Uses: Single-family dwellings, ADU, agriculture, small-scale horse stables and limited home businesses.
  3. Conditional Uses: Semi-public and public uses, additional types of home businesses, schools, wireless telecommunications facilities, bed and breakfasts.
Urban Area Reserve Zone (UAR-10)
  1. Summary/Purpose: This zone is located near the Bend Urban Growth Boundary and is intended to provide a transition between urban and rural development.
  2. Allowed Uses: Single-family dwellings, guest houses, ADU, several commercial uses are allowed subject to Site Plan Review
  3. Conditional Uses: Public uses, schools, limited commercial uses

Notice: The table below is an informal summary and does not capture all development requirements or property-specific information. For details on a specific zone or exceptions to the standards listed here, refer to Deschutes County Code or contact Planning staff. 

Zone Minimum Lot Size Setbacks Code Section
Rural Residential (RR-10) 10 acres for a standard land division. A planned or cluster development may allow for additional density and smaller lot sizes. Front- 20 feet from a local street, 30 feet from a collector, 50 feet from an arterial street. 
Side- 10 feet. 
Rear- 20 feet.
Multiple Use Agricultural (MUA-10) 10 acres for a standard land division. A planned or cluster development may allow for additional density and smaller lot sizes. Front - 20 feet from local street, 30 feet from collector street, 80 feet from arterial street.
Side - 20 feet (100 feet for dwelling if adjacent property is receiving farm tax deferral).
Rear - 25 feet (100 feet for dwelling if adjacent property is receiving farm tax deferral)
Urban Area Reserve Zone (UAR-10) 10 acres for a standard land division. A planned or cluster development may allow for additional density and smaller lot sizes. Front - 50 feet.
Side - 10 feet.
Rear - 50 feet.


Resource Zones

Exclusive Farm Use (EFU)
  1. Summary/Purpose: This zone allows for farm use and is intended to preserve larger parcels sizes and high-value farmland. A residence is not permitted on all lots in this zone. 

  2. Allowed Uses: Farm use, replacing or altering an existing dwelling (requires land use approval). Uses subject to additional standards include: farm-related dwelling, utility facility, winery, farm stands, processing of farm crops, agri-tourism.
  3. Conditional Uses: Non-farm dwelling*, commercial activity in conjunction with farm use, home occupations, landscaping business, solar farm, dog kennel. Contact Planning if property is located within the Horse Ridge sub-zone (EFU-HR)
Forest Use Zone (F1)/ Forest Use Zone (F2)
  1. Summary/Purpose: These zones are intended for forest and timber use, and residences and other non-forest uses are allowed in limited cases.

  2. Allowed Uses: Forest use and associated temporary structures, fire towers, irrigation facilities, altering or replacing an existing dwelling (requires land use approval).
  3. Conditional Uses: Private parks and campgrounds, telecommunications tower, utility facilities, fire stations, reservoirs, medical hardship dwelling, single-family dwellings. All new buildings require land use review and must meet siting and road access requirements for fire safety
Zone Minimum Lot Size Setbacks Code Section
Exclusive Farm Use (EFU) Will depend on whether any part of the property is irrigated. The minimum size for irrigated land divisions will depend on which region of the County ("sub-zone") the property is within. The minimum lot size for non-irrigated land is 80 acres. However, non-irrigated parcels that are at least 40 acres in size may be divided to create one new non-farm parcel if the property qualifies for a non-farm dwelling. Front- 40 feet from a local street, 60 feet from a collector, 100 feet from an arterial street. 
Side- 25 feet (100 feet for non-farm dwelling if adjacent property is receiving farm tax deferral).
Rear- 25 feet (100 feet for non-farm dwelling if adjacent property is receiving farm tax deferral).
Forest Use (F1 or F2) 80 acres. Front- 40 feet from a local street, 60 feet from a collector, 100 feet from an arterial street. 
Side- 25 feet (100 feet if neighboring property is zoned Forest Use).
Rear- 25 feet (100 feet if neighboring property is zoned Forest Use).

18.36 (F1)

18.40 (F2)


Commercial and Industrial Zones

Rural Commercial Zone (RC)
  1. Summary/Purpose: This zone allows for a variety of commercial uses in limited areas of the County
  2. Allowed Uses: A number of commercial uses. The specific uses permitted will depend on whether the property is in Spring River, Deschutes Junction, or Pine Forest/Rosland.
  3. Conditional Uses: Larger-scale commercial and industrial uses than those permitted outright, may include: larger retail or restaurant space, mini-storage, RV park, school, utility facility, automobile repair and gas stations.
Rural Industrial Zone (RI)
  1. Summary/Purpose: This zone allows for a variety of industrial and commercial uses.
  2. Allowed Uses: Farm use, packaging and distribution of raw materials, caretaker residence, wholesale distribution, kennel or veterinary clinic, welding or machine shop.
  3. Conditional Uses: Concrete plant, storing and crushing aggregate minerals, automobile wrecking yard, mini-storage, manufacturing, utility facility, processing and packaging food and beverage products, repair and sales of farm equipment.

Unincorporated and Resort Communities

Resort Community Zone (Seventh Mountain / Widgi Creek, Black Butte Ranch)
  1. Summary/Purpose: This zone allows for development in compliance with each community's approved master plan.
  2. Allowed Uses: Single family homes, time-share facilities, recreational facilities. Resort facilities, public uses, multi-family dwellings, employee housing, and hotel and motels subject to additional standards.
  3. Conditional Uses: Religious assemblies, wireless telecommunication facilities.
Sunriver Single Family Residential (RS)
  1. Summary/Purpose: This zone allows for single family homes in the unincorporated community of Sunriver.
  2. Allowed Uses: Single family home.
  3. Conditional Uses: Public and recreation uses.
Sunriver Multiple Family Residential (RM)
  1. Summary/Purpose: This zone allows for multiple family homes in the unincorporated community of Sunriver.
  2. Allowed Uses: Single family homes, two-family dwellings (duplexes), multi-family developments, and low intensive home occupations.
  3. Conditional Uses: Public and recreation uses. 
Terrebonne Residential District (TeR)
  1. Summary/Purpose: This zone allows for a variety of residential uses suited for available water and sewer capacity and compatible with the rural character of the area.
  2. Allowed Uses: Single-family dwellings, two-family dwellings (duplexes), low intensity home occupations, and agricultural uses are allowed with minimal standards. Childcare subject to additional standards.
  3. Conditional Uses: Multi-family developments, public uses, intensive home occupations, and certain commercial uses.
Tumalo Residential District (TuR)
  1. Summary/Purpose: Public uses, intensive home occupations, and certain commercial uses.
  2. Allowed Uses: Single-family dwellings, two-family dwellings (duplexes), low intensity home occupations, and agricultural uses are allowed with minimal standards. Intensive commercial or public uses allowed subject to additional standards.
  3. Conditional Uses: Multi-family developments, public uses, intensive home occupations, and certain commercial uses.

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