EFU, F1, MUA10, RC, RI, RR10 & UAR10 (Base Zones)
Understanding Your Base Zone
- Locate and verify your zone and read the summary below. The page below includes examples of permitted uses within each zone but is not a complete list, please refer to Deschutes County Code or contact staff for additional details.
- See the full table below for information on setbacks and minimum lot sizes.
- Reach out to staff to verify if you need permits, as staff will assist you.
Residential Zones
Multiple Use Agricultural (MUA-10)
- Summary/Purpose: This zone allows for rural residential development, agricultural use, and limited commercial uses included those associated with agriculture.
- Allowed Uses: Single-family dwellings, ADU, agriculture, small-scale horse stables and limited home businesses.
- Conditional Uses: Guest houses, semi-public and public uses, additional types of home businesses, commercial activity in conjunction with farm use, wireless telecommunications facilities, bed and breakfast, and guest lodges.
Rural Residential (RR-10)
- Summary/Purpose: This is one of the most common residential zones in Deschutes County and allows for residential development that maintains a rural character.
- Allowed Uses: Single-family dwellings, ADU, agriculture, small-scale horse stables and limited home businesses.
- Conditional Uses: Semi-public and public uses, additional types of home businesses, schools, wireless telecommunications facilities, bed and breakfasts.
Urban Area Reserve Zone (UAR-10)
- Summary/Purpose: This zone is located near the Bend Urban Growth Boundary and is intended to provide a transition between urban and rural development.
- Allowed Uses: Single-family dwellings, guest houses, ADU, several commercial uses are allowed subject to Site Plan Review
- Conditional Uses: Public uses, schools, limited commercial uses
Notice: The table below is an informal summary and does not capture all development requirements or property-specific information. For details on a specific zone or exceptions to the standards listed here, refer to Deschutes County Code or contact Planning staff.
Zone | Minimum Lot Size | Setbacks | Code Section |
Rural Residential (RR-10) | 10 acres for a standard land division. A planned or cluster development may allow for additional density and smaller lot sizes. | Front- 20 feet from a local street, 30 feet from a collector, 50 feet from an arterial street. Side- 10 feet. Rear- 20 feet. |
18.60 |
Multiple Use Agricultural (MUA-10) | 10 acres for a standard land division. A planned or cluster development may allow for additional density and smaller lot sizes. | Front - 20 feet from local street, 30 feet from collector street, 80 feet from arterial street. Side - 20 feet (100 feet for dwelling if adjacent property is receiving farm tax deferral). Rear - 25 feet (100 feet for dwelling if adjacent property is receiving farm tax deferral) |
18.32 |
Urban Area Reserve Zone (UAR-10) | 10 acres for a standard land division. A planned or cluster development may allow for additional density and smaller lot sizes. | Front - 50 feet. Side - 10 feet. Rear - 50 feet. |
19.12 |
Resource Zones
Exclusive Farm Use (EFU)
Summary/Purpose: This zone allows for farm use and is intended to preserve larger parcels sizes and high-value farmland. A residence is not permitted on all lots in this zone.
- Allowed Uses: Farm use, replacing or altering an existing dwelling (requires land use approval). Uses subject to additional standards include: farm-related dwelling, utility facility, winery, farm stands, processing of farm crops, agri-tourism.
- Conditional Uses: Non-farm dwelling*, commercial activity in conjunction with farm use, home occupations, landscaping business, solar farm, dog kennel. Contact Planning if property is located within the Horse Ridge sub-zone (EFU-HR)
Forest Use Zone (F1)/ Forest Use Zone (F2)
Summary/Purpose: These zones are intended for forest and timber use, and residences and other non-forest uses are allowed in limited cases.
- Allowed Uses: Forest use and associated temporary structures, fire towers, irrigation facilities, altering or replacing an existing dwelling (requires land use approval).
- Conditional Uses: Private parks and campgrounds, telecommunications tower, utility facilities, fire stations, reservoirs, medical hardship dwelling, single-family dwellings. All new buildings require land use review and must meet siting and road access requirements for fire safety
Zone | Minimum Lot Size | Setbacks | Code Section |
Exclusive Farm Use (EFU) | Will depend on whether any part of the property is irrigated. The minimum size for irrigated land divisions will depend on which region of the County ("sub-zone") the property is within. The minimum lot size for non-irrigated land is 80 acres. However, non-irrigated parcels that are at least 40 acres in size may be divided to create one new non-farm parcel if the property qualifies for a non-farm dwelling. | Front- 40 feet from a local street, 60 feet from a collector, 100 feet from an arterial street. Side- 25 feet (100 feet for non-farm dwelling if adjacent property is receiving farm tax deferral). Rear- 25 feet (100 feet for non-farm dwelling if adjacent property is receiving farm tax deferral). |
18.16 |
Forest Use (F1 or F2) | 80 acres. | Front- 40 feet from a local street, 60 feet from a collector, 100 feet from an arterial street. Side- 25 feet (100 feet if neighboring property is zoned Forest Use). Rear- 25 feet (100 feet if neighboring property is zoned Forest Use). |
Commercial and Industrial Zones
Rural Commercial Zone (RC)
- Summary/Purpose: This zone allows for a variety of commercial uses in limited areas of the County
- Allowed Uses: A number of commercial uses. The specific uses permitted will depend on whether the property is in Spring River, Deschutes Junction, or Pine Forest/Rosland.
- Conditional Uses: Larger-scale commercial and industrial uses than those permitted outright, may include: larger retail or restaurant space, mini-storage, RV park, school, utility facility, automobile repair and gas stations.
Rural Industrial Zone (RI)
- Summary/Purpose: This zone allows for a variety of industrial and commercial uses.
- Allowed Uses: Farm use, packaging and distribution of raw materials, caretaker residence, wholesale distribution, kennel or veterinary clinic, welding or machine shop.
- Conditional Uses: Concrete plant, storing and crushing aggregate minerals, automobile wrecking yard, mini-storage, manufacturing, utility facility, processing and packaging food and beverage products, repair and sales of farm equipment.
Unincorporated and Resort Communities
Resort Community Zone (Seventh Mountain / Widgi Creek, Black Butte Ranch)
- Summary/Purpose: This zone allows for development in compliance with each community's approved master plan.
- Allowed Uses: Single family homes, time-share facilities, recreational facilities. Resort facilities, public uses, multi-family dwellings, employee housing, and hotel and motels subject to additional standards.
- Conditional Uses: Religious assemblies, wireless telecommunication facilities.
Sunriver Single Family Residential (RS)
- Summary/Purpose: This zone allows for single family homes in the unincorporated community of Sunriver.
- Allowed Uses: Single family home.
- Conditional Uses: Public and recreation uses.
Sunriver Multiple Family Residential (RM)
- Summary/Purpose: This zone allows for multiple family homes in the unincorporated community of Sunriver.
- Allowed Uses: Single family homes, two-family dwellings (duplexes), multi-family developments, and low intensive home occupations.
- Conditional Uses: Public and recreation uses.
Terrebonne Residential District (TeR)
- Summary/Purpose: This zone allows for a variety of residential uses suited for available water and sewer capacity and compatible with the rural character of the area.
- Allowed Uses: Single-family dwellings, two-family dwellings (duplexes), low intensity home occupations, and agricultural uses are allowed with minimal standards. Childcare subject to additional standards.
- Conditional Uses: Multi-family developments, public uses, intensive home occupations, and certain commercial uses.
Tumalo Residential District (TuR)
- Summary/Purpose: Public uses, intensive home occupations, and certain commercial uses.
- Allowed Uses: Single-family dwellings, two-family dwellings (duplexes), low intensity home occupations, and agricultural uses are allowed with minimal standards. Intensive commercial or public uses allowed subject to additional standards.
- Conditional Uses: Multi-family developments, public uses, intensive home occupations, and certain commercial uses.