247-24-000392-PA, 247-24-000393-ZC; Cascades Academy – Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Zone Change
Proposal Summary
The applicant requests a Plan Amendment (PA) to change the designation of the Subject Property from Surface Mine (SM) and Agriculture (AG) to Rural Residential Exception Area (RREA). The applicant also requests a Zone Change (ZC) to change the zone of the Subject Property from Surface Mining (SM) and Exclusive Farm Use (EFU) to Multiple Use Agricultural (MUA10).
The proposal includes the seven (7) properties listed below.
- 64325 OB Riley Rd; Assessor map 17-12-06, tax lot 301;
- 64345 OB Riley Rd; Assessor map 17-12-06, tax lot 300;
- 64375 OB Riley Rd; Assessor map 17-12-06, tax lot 302;
- 64385 OB Riley Rd; Assessor map 17-12-06B, tax lot 100
- No address; Assessor map 17-12-31D, tax lot 4200;
- No address; Assessor map 17-12-31D, tax lot 4300; and
- 64411 OB Riley Rd; Assessor map 17-12-31D, tax lot 4400.
Proposal Status
A public hearing was held before the County's Hearings Officer on November 14, 2024, at 1 pm. The Hearings Officer closed the oral record and left the written record open until January 22, 2025. The Hearings Officer issued a recommendation of denial on February 26, 2025, noting a lack of evidence demonstrating compliance with Goal 5.
A second hearing will be scheduled before the Board of County in late spring/early summer 2025. Check back for additional information.
Staff Contact
Nicole Mardell, Senior Planner