Hearings Officer Hearings
The applicant requests a Plan Amendment (PA) to change the designation of the Subject Property from Surface Mine (SM) and Agriculture (AG) to Rural Residential Exception Area (RREA). The applicant also requests a Zone Change (ZC) to change the zone of the Subject Property from Surface Mining (SM) and Exclusive Farm Use (EFU) to Multiple Use Agricultural (MUA10).
A Comprehensive Plan Amendment to change the designation of the property from Agriculture to Rural Residential Exception Area, and a concurrent change in the zoning of the of the property from Exclusive Farm Use to Multiple Use Agricultural.
The Applicant requests land use approval for a replacement dwelling in the Forest Use (F2) Zone and Wildlife Area (WA) Combining Zone. The proposed dwelling to be replaced is a manufactured home on a 10-acre parcel.
LocationAddress: 67705 THREE CREEKS RD, SISTERS, OR 97759 / Map and Taxlot: 1510200001200
The applicant requests approval of a Comprehensive Plan Amendment to change the designation of the subject property from Forest to Rural Residential Exception Area (RREA) and a corresponding Zone Change to rezone the subject property from Forest Use 2 (F2) to Multiple-Use Agricultural (MUA). The total area subject to the request is 58 acres.
The Applicant requests approval of a text amendment of the Deschutes County Code (DCC) Section 18.108.140, Sunriver Community Limited (CL) District, to add the following new use as a use permitted outright:
For any structure existing as of [EFFECTIVE DATE OF ORDINANCE] that is located partially in the CL District and partially in the RE District, any use permitted in the RE District is also permitted in the portion of the structure in the CL District.
ODOT requests the County review its prior record (ref. file no. 247-23-000302-DR), adopt adequate findings that ODOT’s application does not constitute a collateral attack on the 1999 Weigh Station Decision, and issue a final decision that the Subject Property is zoned RR-10 on which the Lava Butte Path may be constructed.