
The primary purpose of Deschutes County’s addressing program is to facilitate public safety and ensure that emergency services can efficiently locate property.  For this reason, County staff oversee the administration of all addressing within County borders to create consistency and cohesion. 

A property address is determined at the location where the access driveway intersects a County road, public way or private road.  On occasion, a property address may need to be changed to comply with County Code Title 16, Addresses and Road Names.  In those instances, the Property Address Coordinator will determine the most appropriate address and notify the property owner in writing.

New address assignments for the Unincorporated County, and the cities of La Pine and Redmond can be obtained by submitting a site plan showing the current or intended driveway access location to

To apply for permits a property must have an address. When a new address has been assigned the Property Address Coordinator will notify the property owner, 9-1-1, the County tax department and the United States Postal Service.  It can take up to 7 days for the County’s DIAL page to update.   

All ADU’s will require a unique address from the primary dwelling prior to building permit issuance. This address shall be clearly posted on the ADU structure in compliance with DCC 16.12.040. A green address marker must be ordered from the local fire jurisdiction and posted at the designated driveway access for the ADU. A site plan showing the location of the ADU with the driveway access point to the right-of-way must be submitted to determine the address. 

The cities of Bend and Sisters are responsible for addressing within their jurisdictions and can be contacted at: 

City of Bend 
Phone#: 541-388-5580

City of Sisters
Front Desk: 541-549-6022
Direct Contact for Addressing in Sisters City Limits:
Emme Shoup, Associate Planner


  • There is no charge to request or change an address.
  • Address signs are obtained through the fire department that provides service to that property.  You can find your fire service provider by pulling up your property in DIAL and clicking on the Service provider drop down tab on the left.