Historic Landmarks Commission

The Historic Landmarks Commission is part of a nationwide network dedicated to the preservation and celebration of our architectural heritage. Established in 1980, the commission serves as a citizen advisory body to the Deschutes County Board of Commissioners and the Sisters City Council.  Their role is to assist property owners in the preservation of landmarks with historical or architectural significance. With input from the public, the commission establishes a strategic plan which provides a framework for shaping the rural county and Sisters’ preservation programs, while creating a blueprint for allocating Certified Local Government (CLG) grant funding. If you wish to contact the HLC, please contact Tanya Saltzman at tanya.saltzman@deschutes.org or 541-388-6528.


HLC meetings, which occur quarterly, can be found on the County Meeting page here:

County Meetings, Agendas, and Minutes

Marc Hudson
Position: At-Large
Term Expires 3/31/2028
Lore Christopher
Position: At-Large
Term Expires 3/31/2026
Dennis Schmidling 
Position: City of Sisters, Vice Chair
Term Expires 3/31/2028
Eli Ashley
Position: At-Large
Term Expires 3/31/2026
Rachel Stemach (Chair)
Position: Bend Area, Chair
Term Expires 3/31/2028
Christine Horting-Jones
Position: Ex-Officio
Term Expires 3/31/2028
Lillian Syphers
Position: Ex-Officio
Term Expires 3/31/2028



Historic Preservation Strategic Plan: The HLC voted to approve its Strategic Plan on August 1, 2022 pending several edits made during that meeting and culminating a process that began in the spring of 2022. Some of the content of the Plan document provides an overview of the HLC, Goal 5 resources, and other elements; perhaps more significantly, the Plan will help connect the HLC to the communities it serves and will help form a foundation for future CLG grant tasks through a series of Goals, Objectives, and Actions. A link to the plan document is below. The Board of County Commissioners acknowledged the final plan on September 26, 2022.

Historic Landmarks Commission Policies and Procedures Manual: The HLC voted to approve its Policies and Procedures Manual on March 7, 2022. The manual provides an overview of the Deschutes County HLC's role and responsibilities, relationship to staff, an overview of the County's Goal 5 resources and procedures, and more. A link to the manual is provided below. The Board of County Commissioners acknowledged the final manual on September 26, 2022.