BOCC Hearings
The property owner requests a Conditional Use Permit and Site Plan Review for a winery as a commercial activity in conjunction with farm use in the Multiple Use Agricultural Zone (MUA10).
The applicant requests approval of a Comprehensive Plan Amendment to change the designation of the properties from Agricultural (AG) to Rural Industrial (RI) and a corresponding Zone Change to rezone the properties from Exclusive Farm Use (EFU) to Rural Industrial (RI).
Deschutes County is proposing to amend Deschutes County Code (DCC), Title 18, County Zoning, and Title 19, Bend Urban Growth Boundary Zoning Ordinance to allow RVs as rental dwellings subject to certain criteria per the adoption of SB 1013.
The applicant requests Board approval of Development Agreement pursuant to ORS 94.504 for the Thousand Trails Bend-Sunriver RV Campground. The purpose of the agreement is to memorialize the development rights originally authorized by a 1973 Master Plan which includes a maximum of 520 total camp sites on the subject property.
The applicant requests approval of a Comprehensive Plan Amendment to change the designation of the subject property (279 Acres) from Agricultural (AG) and Surface Mining (SM) to Rural Residential Exception Area (RREA). The applicant also requests a corresponding Zone Change to rezone the subject property from Exclusive Farm Use – Tumalo/ Redmond/ Bend subzone (EFU-TRB) & Surface Mining (SM) to Rural Residential (RR10).
Numerous sections and language included in the Deschutes County Code (DCC) do not currently meet the identified thresholds for “clear and objective standards” as required by House Bill (HB) 3197 and Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS) 197A.400. The primary focus of the Clear and Objective Code Compliance Project is to ensure the DCC complies with state statute and the objectives of the Deschutes County Comprehensive Plan.
In 2015, the Land Conservation and Development Commission (LCDC) adopted OAR 660-23-0115, establishing protections for Greater Sage-Grouse in seven eastern Oregon counties including Deschutes County. To avoid listing the species as endangered under the Endangered Species Act, LCDC created regulations for large-scale development in mapped habitat areas. Deschutes County is required by state law to administer these regulations.