247-25-000145-PA Reconsideration: Deschutes County 2040 Comprehensive Plan Update (Hearing Page)

Note: The information below pertains to the 2025 Reconsideration Hearing for the Deschutes County 2040 Comprehensive Plan Update. The entire record from the previous hearing process (247-24-000644-PA) is included in the Application Materials Section titled "Complete Amended LUBA Record".
Proposal Summary
The Board of County Commissioners will hold a reconsideration hearing to gather additional testimony on issues raised through the Land Use Board of Appeals process. Following the adoption of the Deschutes County 2040 Comprehensive Plan in October 2024, the decision was appealed by Central Oregon Landwatch. In the Petitioner's Brief (see application materials below), Central Oregon Landwatch raised concerns regarding policies related to the rezoning of land to rural industrial and rural commercial designations, and the rezoning of farmland to rural residential uses. The reconsideration hearing will be limited de novo meaning testimony is limited to only the issues raised in the petitioner's brief.
The Board of County Commissioners voted on October 2, 2024, to adopt the Deschutes County 2040 Comprehensive Plan. The updated document intends to provide overarching policy guidance on land use and planning-related issues for the years 2020-2040. The document applies to areas under County planning jurisdiction, excluding cities and federally owned land. Topics covered include housing, recreation, jobs, natural hazards, community engagement, farm and forest lands, historic and cultural resources, and natural resources. The update does not include any changes to community plans, the transportation system plan, or the County's Goal 5 natural resource inventories.
The decision to approve the Deschutes County 2040 Plan was appealed to the Land Use Board of Appeals (LUBA). Local governments have the option to hold a reconsideration hearing in order to address new issues raised at LUBA that were not fully discussed at the local level. This process pauses the appeal and allows for a revised decision to be issued by the Board to address the issues.
Project Status
The public hearing before the Board of County Commissioners will tentatively take place in April 2025. Hearing details will be posted as soon as they are available.
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Staff Contact
Nicole Mardell, AICP, Senior Planner
Email: nicole.mardell@deschutes.org
Phone: 541-317-3157