RM, RCZ, RS, TeR5, TER, TuR5, & TUR (Resort & Unincorporated Community Base Zones)

Sunriver Housing


  1. Locate you and verify your zone and read the summary.
  2. Setbacks and Minimum Lot Size see Table Below
  3. Reach out to staff to verify if you need permits, as staff will assist you. 


Unincorporated Communities Zones

Multiple Family Residential (RM)
  1. Summary/Purpose: This zone allows for multiple family homes in the unincorporated community of Sunriver.

  2. Allowed Uses: Single family homes, two-family dwellings (duplexes), multi-family developments, and low intensive home occupations.
  3. Conditional Uses: Public and recreation uses. 
Resort Community Zone (Seventh Mountain / Widgi Creek, Black Butte Ranch)
  1. Summary/Purpose: This zone allows for development in compliance with each community's approved master plan.

  2. Allowed Uses: Single family homes, time-share facilities, recreational facilities. Resort facilities, public uses, multi-family dwellings, employee housing, and hotel and motels subject to additional standards.
  3. Conditional Uses: Religious assemblies, wireless telecommunication facilities.
Sunriver Single Family Residential (RS)
  1. Summary/Purpose: This zone allows for single family homes in the unincorporated community of Sunriver.

  2. Allowed Uses: Single family home.
  3. Conditional Uses: Public and recreation uses.
Terrebonne Residential  - 5 Acre Minimum (TeR5)
  1. Summary/Purpose: This zone allows for a variety of commercial uses in limited areas of the County

  2. Allowed Uses: Single family home.
  3. Conditional Uses: Public and recreation uses.
Terrebonne Residential District (TeR)
  1. Summary/Purpose: This zone allows for a variety of residential uses suited for available water and sewer capacity and compatible with the rural character of the area.
  2. Allowed Uses: Single-family dwellings, two-family dwellings (duplexes), low intensity home occupations, and agricultural uses are allowed with minimal standards. Childcare subject to additional standards.
  3. Conditional Uses: Multi-family developments, public uses, intensive home occupations, and certain commercial uses.
Tumalo Residential District - 5 Acre Minimum (TuR5)
  1. Summary/Purpose: This zone intendes to retain larger rural residential lots in the Tumalo Rural Community
  2. Allowed Uses: Single-family dwelling, low intensity home occupations, and agricultural uses. Childcare subject to additional standards.
  3. Conditional Uses: Public uses, intensive home occupations, and certain commercial uses.
Tumalo Residential District (TuR)
  1. Summary/Purpose: Public uses, intensive home occupations, and certain commercial uses.
  2. Allowed Uses: Single-family dwellings, two-family dwellings (duplexes), low intensity home occupations, and agricultural uses are allowed with minimal standards. Intensive commercial or public uses allowed subject to additional standards.
  3. Conditional Uses: Multi-family developments, public uses, intensive home occupations, and certain commercial uses.

Setbacks and Minimum Lot Size

Notice: The table below is an informal summary and does not capture all development requirements or property-specific information. For details on a specific zone or exceptions to the standards listed here, refer to Deschutes County Code or contact Planning staff. 

Zone Minimum Lot Size Setbacks Code Section
Multiple Family Residential (RM)  Dependent on type of development Dependent on type of development 18.108.040
Resort Community Zone (Seventh Mountain / Widgi Creek, Black Butte Ranch) Dependent on type of development Dependent on type of development 18.116.060
Sunriver Single Family Residential (RS) 6,000 square feet Front - 20 feet
Side - 5 feet for structures up to 21 feet in height, 7.5 for structures above 21 feet.
Rear - 0-25 feet dependent on proximaity to open space.
Terrebonne Residential  - 5 Acre Minimum (TeR5) 5 acres Front - 20 feet
Side - 5 feet for structures up to 21 feet in height, 7.5 for structures above 21 feet.
Rear - 0-25 feet dependent on proximaity to open space.
Terrebonne Residential District (TeR)

Not served by community water and sewer system: 
Single family home - 22,000 square feet
Two-family dwelling - 33,000 square feet

Served by community water and sewer system:
Single family home - 7,500 square feet
Two-family dwelling - 10,000 square feet

Front - 20 feet from local street, 30 feet from collector street, 80 feet from arterial street.
Side - 5 feet, sum of both side yards must be at least 15 feet.
Rear - 20 feet 
Any property line adjacent to farm land - 100 feet
Tumalo Residential District - 5 Acre Minimum (TuR5) 5 acres Front - 20 feet from local street, 30 feet from collector street, 80 feet from arterial street.
Side - 5 feet, sum of both side yards must be at least 15 feet.
Rear - 20 feet 
Any property line adjacent to farm land - 100 feet
Tumalo Residential District (TuR)

Not served by community water and sewer system: 1 acre

Served by community water and sewer system:
Single family home - 22,000 square feet
Two-family dwelling - 33,000 square feet

Front - 20 feet from local street, 30 feet from collector street, 80 feet from arterial street.
Side - 5 feet, sum of both side yards must be at least 15 feet.
Rear - 20 feet 
Any property line adjacent to farm land - 100 feet


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