RM, RCZ, RS, TeR5, TER, TuR5, & TUR (Resort & Unincorporated Community Base Zones)
- Locate you and verify your zone and read the summary.
- Setbacks and Minimum Lot Size see Table Below
- Reach out to staff to verify if you need permits, as staff will assist you.
Unincorporated Communities Zones
Multiple Family Residential (RM)
Summary/Purpose: This zone allows for multiple family homes in the unincorporated community of Sunriver.
- Allowed Uses: Single family homes, two-family dwellings (duplexes), multi-family developments, and low intensive home occupations.
- Conditional Uses: Public and recreation uses.
Resort Community Zone (Seventh Mountain / Widgi Creek, Black Butte Ranch)
Summary/Purpose: This zone allows for development in compliance with each community's approved master plan.
- Allowed Uses: Single family homes, time-share facilities, recreational facilities. Resort facilities, public uses, multi-family dwellings, employee housing, and hotel and motels subject to additional standards.
- Conditional Uses: Religious assemblies, wireless telecommunication facilities.
Sunriver Single Family Residential (RS)
Summary/Purpose: This zone allows for single family homes in the unincorporated community of Sunriver.
- Allowed Uses: Single family home.
- Conditional Uses: Public and recreation uses.
Terrebonne Residential - 5 Acre Minimum (TeR5)
Summary/Purpose: This zone allows for a variety of commercial uses in limited areas of the County
- Allowed Uses: Single family home.
- Conditional Uses: Public and recreation uses.
Terrebonne Residential District (TeR)
- Summary/Purpose: This zone allows for a variety of residential uses suited for available water and sewer capacity and compatible with the rural character of the area.
- Allowed Uses: Single-family dwellings, two-family dwellings (duplexes), low intensity home occupations, and agricultural uses are allowed with minimal standards. Childcare subject to additional standards.
- Conditional Uses: Multi-family developments, public uses, intensive home occupations, and certain commercial uses.
Tumalo Residential District - 5 Acre Minimum (TuR5)
- Summary/Purpose: This zone intendes to retain larger rural residential lots in the Tumalo Rural Community
- Allowed Uses: Single-family dwelling, low intensity home occupations, and agricultural uses. Childcare subject to additional standards.
- Conditional Uses: Public uses, intensive home occupations, and certain commercial uses.
Tumalo Residential District (TuR)
- Summary/Purpose: Public uses, intensive home occupations, and certain commercial uses.
- Allowed Uses: Single-family dwellings, two-family dwellings (duplexes), low intensity home occupations, and agricultural uses are allowed with minimal standards. Intensive commercial or public uses allowed subject to additional standards.
- Conditional Uses: Multi-family developments, public uses, intensive home occupations, and certain commercial uses.
Setbacks and Minimum Lot Size
Notice: The table below is an informal summary and does not capture all development requirements or property-specific information. For details on a specific zone or exceptions to the standards listed here, refer to Deschutes County Code or contact Planning staff.
Zone | Minimum Lot Size | Setbacks | Code Section |
Multiple Family Residential (RM) | Dependent on type of development | Dependent on type of development | 18.108.040 |
Resort Community Zone (Seventh Mountain / Widgi Creek, Black Butte Ranch) | Dependent on type of development | Dependent on type of development | 18.116.060 |
Sunriver Single Family Residential (RS) | 6,000 square feet | Front - 20 feet Side - 5 feet for structures up to 21 feet in height, 7.5 for structures above 21 feet. Rear - 0-25 feet dependent on proximaity to open space. |
18.108.030 |
Terrebonne Residential - 5 Acre Minimum (TeR5) | 5 acres | Front - 20 feet Side - 5 feet for structures up to 21 feet in height, 7.5 for structures above 21 feet. Rear - 0-25 feet dependent on proximaity to open space. |
18.66.030 |
Terrebonne Residential District (TeR) |
Not served by community water and sewer system: Served by community water and sewer system: |
Front - 20 feet from local street, 30 feet from collector street, 80 feet from arterial street. Side - 5 feet, sum of both side yards must be at least 15 feet. Rear - 20 feet Any property line adjacent to farm land - 100 feet |
18.66.030 |
Tumalo Residential District - 5 Acre Minimum (TuR5) | 5 acres | Front - 20 feet from local street, 30 feet from collector street, 80 feet from arterial street. Side - 5 feet, sum of both side yards must be at least 15 feet. Rear - 20 feet Any property line adjacent to farm land - 100 feet |
18.67.030 |
Tumalo Residential District (TuR) |
Not served by community water and sewer system: 1 acre Served by community water and sewer system: |
Front - 20 feet from local street, 30 feet from collector street, 80 feet from arterial street. Side - 5 feet, sum of both side yards must be at least 15 feet. Rear - 20 feet Any property line adjacent to farm land - 100 feet |
18.67.020 |